Customer Testimonials

People who have one of our roofs, say it best…

The candid input and insider information I received in phone calls with your staff was very much appreciated ...that was the main factor in choosing your metal roofing system... Richard N. Houston, TX

Now that I see my new roof, its beauty and quality (not discounting the envy of my neighbors!), I am very pleased that I selected a roof from Classic Metal Roofing Systems. Pierre and Linda Ottawa, Ontario

I just wanted to say thank you again for helping us understanding metal roofs and answering all our questions so promptly. We really love our brand new Country Manor Shake roof!

WOW! I was utterly amazed when my remote temp sensor in the attic recorded less than 100 degrees max when it got up to 95. Teresa Sugar Land, TX

I am personally very happy and thankful for your attention and service. I can feel so much motivating love and bliss for your company and what you do. I send you my respects as a professional and as gentleman. All we need in this world today are more people like you. Hector E. Architect in Mexico

What a roof! What a product! What a company to work with...from the first telephone conversation... Bjorn & Randi Seattle, WA

...we determined that your aluminum interlocking shingles were our best choice, based not only on their very attractive appearance, but also on your superior warranty. George, Secretary/Engineer Coronado Del Mar Condominiums, New Smyrna Beach

...the Country Manor Shake roof installation has received numerous complinets on its appearance as it has brought new life to the aging buildings in our condominiums... John, Resident Manager Wailea Elua Village, Kihei, HI

I am enjoying the beauty and functionality of the Classic shingles which truly 'make' my gabled-roof home. Robert Belleville, IL

The corporate staff at Classic Metal Roofing took the extra time to answer my detailed questions about your various products... Richard N. Houston, TX

The distinctive wood-look Classic Metal Roofing System greatly enhanced my home and have made it the talk of the neighborhood. I'm certain that it will be there to protect and beautify my home for many, many years...The new roof has increased the value of my home because it will always look and be like new... Ray Port Charlotte, FL

We had to paint the house to bring it up to the standard of our new Classic Roof! Jim & Ginger Burien, WA

I must say that we are extremely excited about the product and I have to give credit where credit is due. Your dedication and thoroughness have helped us make our decision. I can’t tell you how thankful I am for your assistance with questions and the transparency with which you responded. David DIY in Colorado

Folks, This is to inform you'll that my wife and I are very satisfied with the finished product, our roof's appearance exceeds my expectations! Middle South Roofing Systems (Steve and his Crew) are very professional and friendly, and they insure that their customer is completely satisfied. They are an assets to Isaiah Industries! The Forest Green color really accents our Log Home. Thank you, Jack Louisiana

My Classic aluminum shake roof looks fantastic and instantly made our old and modest home look great, an opinion unanimously shared by homeowners on my block. Santiago Anaheim, CA