recycled content Articles

Metal is the Green Roofing Option

June 9, 2021 | Filed under: Buying a New Roof,Environmentally Friendly,Newsletter Articles

If you’ve seen fields of wind turbines, passed a Tesla on the road, or noticed solar panels on someone’s home, then you know how prevalent “green” technology is today. As environmentally-friendly tech becomes more readily available to the public, more people are adopting it in their lives. For example, electric cars are becoming popular and… read more

Green Team

January 14, 2008 | Filed under: Miscellanous Articles,Uncategorized

We are very proud of the”green” benefits of our products here at Classic. Things like high recycled content, energy efficiency, low weight (for installation over existing shingles) and sustainability are benefits that are uniquely ours. They offer homeowners a way to make a roofing choice that is beautiful, durable and environmentally friendly. But we feel… read more